Effective Negotiation Techniques
In 200 words or less what are the most important techniques for effective negotiations?"
Your answer should be in line with the goals that management should aim for in developing any company-wide strategy or vision. Every negotiator should take responsibility in developing his or her own tool-kit of effective negotiation skills techniques.
- Aligns negotiation goals (strategy) with organisational goals (strategy),
- Prepares thoroughly and uses each negotiating phase to prepare techniques further,
- Uses negotiation meeting to discover and identify other sides interests, beliefs, values, BATNA and learn more about the issues at stake,
- Proactively approaches a problem, developing opportunities to create additional value,
- Can separate personal issues from negotiating issues,
- Can recognise and overcome potential barriers to agreement,
- Creates trust and credibility,
- Uses power only to educate.
It is worthwhile to consider that effective negotiation doesn't always mean closing a deal. Sometimes walking away from the table is much wiser than trying to reach an agreement by any means. By taking a structured approach to the negotiating process, and implementing established operational actions, effective negotiation substantially increases the probability of acquiring bottom-line gains, as well as fostering a productive relationship with other negotiators.
Of course, we would welcome the opportunity to work together to share our winning negotiation training skills and techniques.