Negotiation ZOPA
[ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n] [zopa]
An acronym which means a negotiation Zone of Possible Agreement. It is the range or area in which an agreement is satisfactory to both parties involved in the negotiation process. Often also referred to as the “Contracting Zone”. Negotiation ZOPA or the Contracting Zone is the range between each parties Walk Away or Real Base or Bottom Lines, and is the overlap area that each party is willing to pay or find acceptable in a negotiation.

The 12 Best Negotiation Courses
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Power Imbalance in Negotiation
Whilst integrative negotiation will be generally less effective where there is a significant imbalance in negotiation power between the parties, this does not necessarily mean
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Negotiation Debt Management Advice for Businesses
Business debt can be a burden. Get advice on how to negotiate with your creditors and find both solutions and strategies to solve your problem, using negotiation.
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