Unanimity Rule
[yoo-nuh-nim-i-tee] [rool]
A process often employed in ‘Group’ or ‘Multi Party’ negotiations to reach a decision or agreement by the involved negotiating parties. A unanimous decision is only achieved when all the negotiating parties are in total accord in making a decision or an agreement.

Positional Negotiation
It is always a difficult task for a negotiator to deal with people who approach negotiation as if it was a competition, with only one possible win-lose outcome. However, difficult
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Power in Negotiation
This negotiation case study shows how a negotiator in a weaker position can successfully use power to craft a superior agreement.
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Negotiation Debt Management Advice for Businesses
Business debt can be a burden. Get advice on how to negotiate with your creditors and find both solutions and strategies to solve your problem, using negotiation.
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