Negotiation Reciprocation
[ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n] [ri-sip-ruh-key-shuh n]
The act of making a similar or like exchange of something in return for something given by one party to another party. In a negotiation, this could entail an exchange of information and/or an exchange of concessions between the negotiating parties.

Negotiation Debt Management Advice for Businesses
Business debt can be a burden. Get advice on how to negotiate with your creditors and find both solutions and strategies to solve your problem, using negotiation.
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32 of the Best Salary Negotiation Tips
Focuses the job negotiation lens on the 32 salary negotiation tips for business professionals. Includes exercises, a downloadable template, and questions to assist in your preparation.
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8 Effective Negotiation Training Skills
What are the top 8 negotiation skills that you and your organisation need to achieve better results? These negotiator skills do require training and reinforcement when they are not
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