Negotiation Procurement Solution
[ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n] [proh-kyoo r-muh nt] [suh-loo-shuh n]
Business services provided by internal specialists or external vendors or consultants. Procurement Solutions includes skills development ranging from purchasing or procurement training, coaching, consulting or other education services, as well as input on any procurement procedure as it relates to any aspect of the supply chain. Three main areas include sourcing costs, logistics management and aspects of manufacturing. Typical focal areas include achieving price reductions, technology, reverse auctions, information systems, transport and shipping, working capital (e.g. inventory and payment terms), and automation.

Multi-Party Negotiations (part 1)
Part 1 of this article discusses the challenges imposed by multiple negotiators at the negotiation table.
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Public Leverage in Negotiation Outcomes
Four important points about how parties can publicly expose the issues and help control the ultimate course of the negotiation outcome.
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Westerners Chinese Negotiation Failure
Q1: I assume that this means "fail to reach an agreement". There are dozens of possible causes. Here are a few common reasons: Failure to develop friendly, trusting relationships
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