Negotiation Logrolling
[ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n] [lawg-roh-ling]
A negotiation exchange that involves making negotiation concessions or the ‘trading-off’ of issues so as to maximize on each sides’ value. So you will offer the other side something that they value more than you, in exchange for gaining something from them that you value more than they do. (Also: Log Rolling)

Your Ideal Negotiation Meeting Location
Learn how you can strengthen your behaviour and style and win your negotiations on your opponents place or territory.
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Sales Negotiation Process Tips
Learn a negotiation style to get a better price in all your sales. This article provides negotiating advice to enhance the buyer process.
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Successfully Negotiating International Business Contractual Agreements
Overcome problems before they occur with your foreign partner so that both parties succeed in their business objectives.
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