Joint Venture Agreement
[joint] [ven-cher] [uh-gree-muh nt]
A contractual agreement between two or more business partners to assume a common business strategy on a project. All partners generally agree to share the profits and losses through their common shareholdings.
Case study example of an effective international joint venture agreement in China.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls during Negotiations in China
Try and recognize those errors that are most avoidable when sitting down at the negotiating table, by getting into the habit of going through a mental checklist.
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Collaborative Selling Training
Compare the differences and disadvantages between the old model of selling, and the newer approach of collaborative selling. Make collaborative selling especially effective
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IMF World Bank Debt Governance and Corruption
I read with a knowing smile your words: 'say... they have committed mischief'. For those who invest the time to make themselves knowledgeable by reading about the IMF's corruption
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