Hostage Negotiation
[hos-tij] [ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n]
A negotiation conducted between law enforcement agencies, diplomatic or other government representatives for the release of a person(s) held hostage against their will by criminal, terrorist or other elements.

Corporate Negotiation Strategy Check-List (Part 2)
Part 2 of this article provides additional advice on how to develop a successful corporate negotiation strategy and create a better negotiation deal for your business.
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How to Succeed When Working With Tactical Negotiators
Learn how to deal with tactical negotiators by controlling the process and adjusting your negotiation style. Enhance the results of your business negotiations in the face of competitive
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Negotiation Bracketing: How To Use It and When To Avoid It
Examine how an adversarial demand from an opponent may try to use their opening position to split the difference and always target a single figure.Learn how double bracketing is used
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