Distributive Negotiation
[dih-strib-yuh-tiv] [ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n]
A distributive negotiation type or process that normally entails a single issue to be negotiated. The single issue often involves price and frequently relates to the bargaining process. Also referred to as ‘Win – Lose’, or ‘Fixed – Pie’ negotiation because one party generally gains at the expense of another party. ‘Win – Win’ negotiation is conversely often referred to as Integrative Negotiation.

Business Negotiations in Japan
Westerners need to be more composed when encountering and communicating with unsmiling, seemingly humourless Japanese in business negotiations.
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Winning through others' Negotiating Social Styles
Enhance your counterpart negotiation styles, and learn how to handle different negotiation counterpart styles.
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Getting them to the Negotiation Table
Valuable advice for every negotiator on how to get a reluctant counterpart to negotiate.
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