Negotiation Constituent
[ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n] [kuh n-stich-oo-uh nt]
A constituent is someone or a group on the same side of the negotiating party but who exerts an independent influence on the outcome through the principal negotiator, or to whom the principal negotiator is accountable. For example, a union negotiator must have an agreement voted upon by the union members (constituents) before it can be ratified as an agreement.

Top 10 Crucial Rules for College Grad Interview Negotiations
Job interview negotiation tips for college grads who want a great deal
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Negotiating Foreign Currency Exchange Agreements (Part 2)
Every international negotiator needs to know how to factor currencies into agreements with foreign business partners. This continues on from Part 1: International Forex Currency
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Negotiation Anxiety Solved
We need not adapt unethical tactics because it's not about winning or losing, it's about substance and achieving an objective.
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