Collective Bargaining
[kuh-lek-tiv] [bahr-guh-ning]
A negotiation process that occurs between employers (or their representatives) and the representatives of a union to negotiate issues that consists of wages, hours of work and other conditions of employment. Normally results in a written contract that is defined by specific time duration – ‘life of the contract’. Doesn’t necessarily comprise of bargaining as the name suggests.
Learn more about Collective Bargaining

How to Negotiate Price with Supplier?
To get someone to give you more of what you want, you'll find that giving them more of what they want will go a long way. So what do your suppliers value? Vendors or professional sellers
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9 Steps for Negotiation Preparation Success
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International Forex Currency Risk Agreements (Part 1)
If you do business internationally, you’re likely to need to negotiate your currency exchange contract. Find out how the money market can affect your bottom line, and get familiar
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