Negotiation Agent
[ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n] [ey-juh nt]
A person who acts for or in place of another individual or entity as their representative in a negotiation with a third party. An agent, sometimes referred to as a third party agent, has full or limited authority to act on the behalf of the party they represent.

Kuwait Invasion Negotiation Perspective
A case study that shows how important it is to decide whether to accept concessions, judged from the vantage point of a framework.
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Conflict Negotiation: Psychological Dynamics
Negotiation conflict can often stem from psychological reasons that can make a negotiator become defensive. Discover the reasons for this conflict and how you can learn to de-fuse
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Collaborative Selling Training
Compare the differences and disadvantages between the old model of selling, and the newer approach of collaborative selling. Make collaborative selling especially effective
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