Negotiation Skills
[ni-goh-shee-ey-shuh n] [skils]
What is negotiation skills? Negotiation skills are required to secure better agreements in our personal and business lives. Negotiating skills include methods of:
- Communicating
- Persuading and influencing
- Planning
- Strategizing
- Employing tactics, techniques, tools, systems, processes, and teamwork
Negotiation skills can be learned. Meaning, “born negotiators” are a myth. Successful negotiators need to develop a variety of skills. These are drawn from various disciplines.
Business negotiation deals typically include:
- Products
- Services
- Assets
- … and even ideas
Not all negotiation skills can be learned from a book alone. In essence, this is because negotiations often need face-to-face or phone interaction. In fact, the best negotiation skills training should involve a great deal of practical role-plays. These should be followed up with tailored feedback discussions.
There’s an increasing trend of negotiating via web-based platforms (e.g. online bidding). These can require specialized negotiation skills to maximize or defend value.

Best article for negotiations skills thank you for sharing your information
It is a very brief conceptual note about negotiation skills. What I liked most is the that negotiation skills are not born, rather to be developed through learning from experience and context. Likewise, as negotiation is one of the most important leadership skills, I feel that leaders are also not born, rather developed through education and practical experience.